
100% donation policy


We at iHope Foundation help transform impoverished communities and save lives by following the footsteps of our mission statement, to provide basic human necessities; Food & Water!

Our 100% donation policy means that every single penny donated to us is strictly used for our charitable causes and therefore no funds are spent on admin or running cost. 100% donation policy ensures that each donation is used appropriately.

Like any organisation, iHope Foundation has administration costs and overheads.
How do we then cover our admin costs while adhering to a 100% donations policy?
We keep our overheads and running cost low by selecting and making decisions which are the most cost-effective for the foundation. The minimal running cost that we incur is covered fully from the following sources.

1- Our trustees pay towards our admin costs;

2- Giftaid, which is 25% of the value of any donation that has been gift aided. We can claim from the UK government 25% from the value of the donation of any taxpayer. For example, if a UK taxpayer donates £10 and ticks the giftaid box, the UK government will give us £2.50 extra from the tax paid by the donor. The £10 original donation will be spent fully on charitable causes while the additional £2.50 giftaid will be spent on charitable causes as well as on running costs.

3- Donations specified for admin costs: That is when a donor gives a donation and says we can spend that money on admin cost.

We keep a record of all our expenses and admin costs. Only funds dedicated for this purpose will be used. We review the funds on a monthly basis to ensure we are always on top of this financial control. Our 100% donation policy ensures a smooth flow of our operations in serving the needy.

If you have any further questions concerning our 100% donation policy, please feel free to contact us at any time

Our Fundraising Promise


Sadly, there is a greater need for charitable giving today than at any other time. The iHope Foundation understands your level of commitment when you donate. Giving to the iHope Foundation is a personal decision to help make someone else’s life better. And this might be someone that you will never meet. We are grateful for every penny or hour of your time that you give to help our projects. And it is your trust in us that helps drive us to deliver to our communities. You can feel confident that your decision to support us is right.
